June 2022
First monetary donation $3.000
We continued with a campaign of support from team members Support Rwandan Schools and in June 2022 we made a monetary donation of approximately $3,000 για την κάλυψη αναγκών των παιδιών στις περιοχές Rutunga και Gikomero. Η δωρεα αυτή κάλυπτε, μεταξύ άλλων, την πληρωμή διδάκτρων, την αγορά σχολικών στολών, την κάλυψη σχολικών γευμάτων κ.ά.
The summer of 2022 found us at the printer's since, with the help and contribution of volunteers, we managed to print a small album with photos of our own and other friends who had visited the country in the past. We offered this small album as a souvenir gift to those who were interested in supporting our cause.